Learn with Facebook: Online Marketing and Career Counselling Courses

Learn with Facebook is the name given to the new proposal of this social network. In particular, its objective is to allow its users to develop new skills that allow them to acquire new professional knowledge. In this way, new job opportunities can be obtained.

This is the first time that Facebook has tried to fully immerse itself in a territory that, to date, seemed exclusive to LinkedIn. The increase in the number of job offers published on its platform seems to be the main reason that has led to the release of Learn with Facebook.

Learn with Facebook


Free courses on Facebook from the first day

This innovative platform is already available and contains, from the very beginning, a wide variety of free courses.

Most of them aim to train their users in developing personal interview techniques, writing resumes, doing marketing in social networks and managing their own digital content.

Introductory lessons that provide a knowledge base

It should be noted that these are introductory courses and lessons. Therefore, they have a short duration. Its purpose is to provide a knowledge base to interested users. This way they can develop their skills through other more specialized means.

However, this does not mean that they are insignificant. Many of these courses have been developed by or have the collaboration of experienced and reputable professionals from various industries. Therefore, they must be considered one more resource in the training of any professional.

Learn with Facebook


Available courses just by logging into Facebook

Undoubtedly, one of the main attractions of this platform is that, in order to access the courses, you only need to have a user account and log in to the social network website. This makes the knowledge and information of these courses available to everyone.

The only limitation that, so far, to this Facebook proposal is that all available courses are exclusively in English. However, it is expected that new content in other languages, which will likely include Spanish, will probably be added shortly.

Read this article in Spanish.

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