Digital Marketing: 10 ways to get more creative and produce better quality content

In the opinion of many, professionals who specialise in digital marketing stand out for being unlimited sources of creativity and uniqueness. Undoubtedly, this is the goal of those who wish to work in such a fascinating sector. However, being creative with content is not a simple task. Entering into the unknown is a real risk but it can be possible by following a series of simple recommendations for originality to flow in each task.


1. The value of simple thinking

We tend to think that a good project cannot arise from a simple idea. Thus, oftentimes the mistake of discarding the clearest and most feasible thoughts is incurred in order to give way to elaborate solutions and even difficult tasks. Before discarding an idea that seems underdeveloped, consider whether it will be useful for the project even if it will only save you time in the long run.

Keep it simple

2. Collaborate with other professionals

You are not a hermit so do not put your ideas at risk by not collaborating with other professionals in the sector. Peer cooperation can turn into reciprocal benefits, such as providing a way out for a partner who gets stuck or writer’s block (it will be you who receives such valuable help later).

Colaboración Collaboration

3. Never stop learning

When working in technological environments, the learning process will never end. Virtually every week (or every month, or both) a new programme or an innovative application that requires specific knowledge emerges. To keep yourself updated, just pay attention to the latest news that is being published and, if appropriate, take part in courses that you find interesting. Never abandon the dynamics of continuous training otherwise the time will come when lack of knowledge will drastically limit your creativity.

No dejes de aprender

4. Work for companies that guarantee your creative freedom

It is true that we don’t always work where we want but wherever we can. However, in the situation of having to choose between one company or another, it is highly recommended to choose one that ensures greater creative freedom. Otherwise, your projects will not only lack the desirable quality but you will also develop career frustration.

Trabaja en aquellas empresas que garanticen tu libertad creativa

5. Believe that anything is possible

Sometimes, it is the professionals themselves who stop progressing with their projects because they consider limitations that, in reality, do not even exist. This would be the case of those ideas that seem somewhat disruptive or that escape the usual way of doing things. It is true that this implies taking greater risks, since we deviate from the more conventional path. Striving to imitate others can affect our creativity as well as the quality of our work.

Todo es posible - everything is possible

6. Make use of TED conferences

TED conferences or talks have become extremely popular in recent years and, as a general rule, they address very interesting content for those engaged in digital marketing. The speakers are usually renowned personalities in multiple fields, so listening to some of these talks can provide you with highly original ideas for your project (or help you come up with new ideas).

7. Find some time to chill out

Working in digital marketing can be very exhausting, especially when the professionals are perfectionists who are never 100% satisfied with their work. That is why it is best to dedicate some time in the day to completely disconnect from the work routine. You should not see this break as wasted time but rather as a much needed recharge of energy, which will allow you to see things more clearly the next day.

Tiempo para jugar - time to play

8. Borrow ideas from others

If an idea that you have not thought of before can help you complete a project, why not use it? Some professionals see this as a weakness and only implement the ideas that are created by themselves. There is nothing wrong with borrowing ideas from other people, as long as you do not commit any plagiarism or try to make out that it’s your own work. You can check some websites and borrow ideas and then create your own with a little money.

Pide prestadas ideas - borrow ideas

9. Listen to some music while you work

Background music is a good resource to encourage creativity while working. It is best, however, that the chosen music is neither too relaxing or mellow nor too rhythmic or upbeat, which may distract you. In general, energetic tunes are the most advisable songs for good ideas to flow.

musica mientras trabajas - music at work

10. The importance of physical activity

To elaborate on what was stated in our seventh recommendation, digital marketing professionals should apply the classic phrase ‘a healthy mind in a healthy body‘. For the mind to function at full capacity, the rest of the body should not stop exercising. Exercising on a regular basis can help you get more creative and, at the same time, maintain a much more positive attitude.

Actividad física - Physical activity

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